Minggu, 30 Desember 2012


EVERY entered the Solo will be presented a lot of entertainment, travel and do not miss the typical traditional cuisine. One is Serabi Notosuman located precisely at Jalan Notosuman, which has now been renamed Jln. M. Yamin. In the region we have encountered many typical food vendors Solo existing since 89 years ago.


Notosuman pancake was established since 1923, founded by Mrs. Hoo Hok Ging hereditary and both prescription and possession, inherited.
Traditional food products are not much different from those Apem apparently accepted by many people, especially with the delicious flavor than Apem.
Cake made ​​of rice flour, Santen, and sugar and has many years of Solo's iconic traditional foods until now still exist.
If in other places in order to meet consumer tastes much make pancakes with diverse flavors like jackfruit flavors, strawberry, pandan, cheese and so on. Pancake Notosuman still consistently maintain two flavors, namely plain and brown, with simple flavors and recipes are still on hold Serabi Notosuman still in demand for its customers, it rarely stalls Serabi Notosuman be one compulsory destination for travelers who stop at Solo. Moreover, because it is made from natural ingredients that include: rice flour, molasses, ripe coconut, baking soda, egg yolks, water, pandan, etc.. This includes pancake durable if stored in the refrigerator.
Now pancake Notosuman has many branches opened in order to meet the customers or consumers outside the city of Solo, Serabi Notosuman following branches: Sukoharjo, Klaten, Sragen, Boyolali, Salatiga, Magelang, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bandung, Tasikmalaya.

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