Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Who Else Wants To Know About The Line Command

Starting the LINE command in Auto Cad

There are three ways for starting the LINE command. Youcan type LINE at the command prompt, you can click onthe LINE button, or you type L. Typing LINE at the command prompt. That is a long wayof starting the LINE command. To be quicker you betterclick on the LINE button or type L.

You can find the LINE button on the Draw 2D toolbar. Ifthe Draw 2D toolbar is in a vertical position, thenyou'll find it in the top of the toolbar.

That depends. On whether you prefer using the keyboard.But typing L and pressing the ENTER key or the rightmouse button. That's very fast.

So we have started the LINE command. Prompts show up.These are the prompts that show up.

1. Start of line:
2. Angle/Length/:
3. Angle/Length/Follow/Undo/
4. Angle/Length/Follow/Close/Undo/:

The first prompt is displayed as the LINE command isstarted. You can now pick a point in the drawing area.A line will be drawn from that point.

After picking a point the second prompt is displayed.There are three options in the prompt. These are thethree options:

- Angle
- Length
- End point

In the second articles from this series we will talkabout the angle option and the length option. Now weconcentrate on the end point option.

That option is the default option. To use that option.Again we pick a point in the drawing area. And a lineis drawn to that point.

The third prompt is displayed. In this prompt we findtwo more option. Follow and Undo. But again there isthe default end point option.

We pick a point again. We now have picked three pointsin the drawing area. Two lines have been drawn. And thefourth prompt is displayed.

The fourth prompt is the same as the third prompt.Except. We now also have the Close option. Still we canpick a point.

Suppose we pick a point. We can do that. Because theend point option is the default option. A line is drawnto that point.

A new prompt is displayed. That prompt is the same asthe fourth prompt. The fourth prompt is displayed allthe time when we continue.

That's what we saw in the fourth prompt. We saw theClose option. That option has been added to the prompt.Now let's see how that works.

We want to invoke the Close option. We enter C at thecommand prompt. Just C. Because that is the capital inthe word Close.

After entering C at the command prompt and pre3ssingthe right mouse button or the Enter key. A line isdrawn. To the point where we started.

The figure we were drawing is now closed. And the LINEcommand is terminated. We're no l9onger in the LINEcommand.

If we want to draw more lines, then we must start theLINE command again. Easy. Just press the right mousebutton or press the ENTER key.

There is something else I must ell you. I must talkabout the rubber band. All the time there is a rubberband coming from the last point picked.

The rubber band goes to the cursor. You can move thecursor. And the rubber band moves with the cursor. Therubber band shows what line is to be drawn.

This is the first article in this series. We were nowtalking about starting the LINE command and about theprompts of the LINE command.

We also learned about the Close option of the LINEcommand. I assume you now know how the LINE commandworks. How to use it. For starters.

Get the series. In the next article we're going to talkabout all the options of the LINE command. The obviousoptions.

Before I finish this article, I want to give you anexercise. Just to make sure you understand what hasbeen explained.

Start the LINE command and draw four lines. The linesform a rectangle. Use the Close option to get a properrectangle.

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