Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

apply management issues program

Not all faced can be changed, but nothing can be changeduntil it is faced.The emphasis is on the management team to listen and learn.Full use should be made of the background information, researchand ensure the monitoring infrastructure is in place.Stage exploration showed increased urgency during the import-tance problem. By working with a number of pharmaceutical companies,example of the structure and allocation of responsibilities of medical, safety, regulatory, planning, legal, marketing and community-nications function with the authority to take certain actions. Characteristicsof each task force are:● seniority to make decisions, allocate resources, and direct programimplementation;● breadth of disciplines represented and timely access to information-tion for decision-making purposes;● Easy access to set up a meeting and 'network' information;flexibility and informality in working methods;● the ability to combine analytical and creative skills quickly, focusdecision-making and action;● minimal paper flow to avoid bureaucracy, slow response and leakagesensitive information.Greater awareness of the issues raised in the company at this stage andanalysis and opinion formation process begins.
Process management: In the decision-making stage companies should consider action. Implementation phase involves the steps necessary to make management decisions work in practice.Effective management issues can help to build competitive advantageand sales, especially in emerging markets, which can be exploitedopportunities or protect corporate policies where there is potential formajor social change. Pressure from market dynamics, competitor activities and the availability of resources may make it difficult to anticipate, initiate or planning issues.Kerry Tucker and Bill Trumpfheller (1993) has made a five-step planto help build management system issues, which we have foundworks well in practice.Risk management issues
1. Anticipate problems and set priorities
The first basic step can take many forms, from preparing highlybasic set of assumptions through an anticipation of a very complicated issue. Setting up an internal task force, based on the approach outlinedin the previous section, is an important starting point. Brainstorming sessionand database analysis should focus on responding to questions such as:● What are direct competitors and medium term, social or regulatoryfactor we have to contend with?● What changes we anticipate in the market and the broader polit-ical and social environment over the next 12 months and beyond?● What factors might affect the way we work?● What special events that may occur and impact theour ability to maintain and grow our market?Once the problems are identified, priorities can be set and decisions cantaken on how much time and resources to devote to them.
2. Analysis of the problem
Develop a formal brief analysis of this issue, see an opportunity,ties and threats to a series of different scenarios. This should include what could happen if the problem is ignored, and an assessment of how key audiences are likely to be affected by this issue.
3. Recommend the organization's position on the issue
mance reputation, the company and the potential for regulation or evenlitigation.Implement program management issues
Analysis of the previous steps should provide a database for developingpositions designed to gain support from the majority.The database is built from the answersthe following questions:● Who is affected?● How are affected groups or individuals feel the problem?● Is the position possibilities and behavioral tendencies?● What information / data we collect to support our case?
4. Identify groups and opinion leaders who canadvance your positionThese groups and individuals have emerged from asking:
● Who makes the decision on this issue?● Who is likely to support our position?● Who would not?● Who can we target managed to make the biggest difference inadvancing our position?If possible, research should be conducted to validate the assumptions madeabout the group during the analysis stage. Opinion leaders, followedby industry associations or employees affected, consumers and otherspecial interest groups and the media information can be a powerful ally indealing with a variety of audiences, the criteria for choosing them include:● Who are our target group members look to for advice on this issue?● Who will be the public (customers, consumers) and the public trust on this issue?● Who has the best credibility advancing our position on this issue?● Who would be open to our position on this issue?
5. Identify the desired behavior
It is easy to overlook point, according to the authors. Advancespecific behaviors associated with the position of the company encouraged the development.

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