Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Media Techniques

Several other techniques in program mode while training films, video recordings, audio recordings, slides, projectors, whiteboards, and the horses, and the teleprompter.
Film. The film has been used in a training program for several years. Films that deal directly with the concepts covered in the program, which was preceded and followed by a brief discussion by the reaction, and does not cover too much material an effective training aid. Many movies are available for free or for a minimal rental fee of the film centers around the country. When-ever possible, the instructor should preview the film before showing it.

Video recording techniques. The technique is very useful in video communication training workshop in which attention is focused on the improvement of individual communication skills. Decision-making situations can be recorded and instantly played back to allow individuals to "see themselves as others see them." Nonverbal behavior can be focused on if the volume is turned down during playback.

Audio Tape. Most of the use of compressed speech just discussed relate to the audio recordings in the training program. In other uses of recorded audio, voice recording can be played back to pre illustrates the difference in perception between employees listen to the voice of the environment. Exercise can be audiotaped and played by trainess at home.
Slide. Used alone or with accompaniment audio recording, 35mm slides are an asset in discussing nonverbal communication and other similar topics. When this technique is used, needed a photographer, film and developing services to be purchased, the script for the slides to be developed, and a whole lot of planning is needed.

Telelecture. Telelecture is a conference-call system that allows a group of participants to listen to more speakers from various places in the country. Guest speakers or resource persons phone training sessions at the specified time.
Projector. Included in this category are familiar engines such as overhead projectors, transparencies were projected on the screen without requiring special dark room.

Chalkboard and Easel. There is hardly an instructor familiar with the board, in which the instructor uses chalk can instantly reproduce any information they want. This is especially usefulduring lecture and discussion to summarize comments, ideas lists, and the result line.

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